Friday, December 21, 2012

Just a little update on my blogging activities

Well, just a little notice here in case anyone starts freaking out and thought I have given up blogging on beauty products for good.

As I was previously in the midst of switching job(s)/getting a new job, I was able to post daily in the morning or afternoon daily. But now that everything's finalized and I am in my new job, I have to consider my working hours a.k.a shift. So, if you do not see a blog post in the morning or afternoon, that means you should be able to see a blog post in the late evening or early night, basically just before midnight creeps up and approaches. If there's still no blog post late at night, that means the next available blog post will be up early the next morning instead.

The location isn't that far, but working means I need to appreciate sleep a little more, partly to take care of my skin too. As I am not really a big fan of panda-like eyes, and I am sure none of your beautiful readers do too.

Essentially, I am still blogging on a daily basis but, the time my newest blog post shows up will depend on my work shift timing. Hope everyone understands this and keep supporting me ah!!

P/S: All time reference is in GMT+8 Singapore time.

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1. I'm not online (probably dead asleep and possibly drooling)

2. Got blindsided by free candy (where did that came from?)

3. Cannot find your comment box cos I am actually blind as a bat most times (-squints- *_* -blinks-)


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