Thursday, November 8, 2012

Winner for T-Zone: Deep Pore Exfoliating Daily Wash Contest/Giveaway

Despite only seeing 3 entries for this T-Zone: Deep Pore Exfoliating Daily Wash Review giveaway, I believe that as this blog is still considered "new" on the beauty/healthy blogging scene in Singapore. As such, not much people may know about this giveaway. However, don't worry too much as this will not be the only blog giveaway, more will come soon.

And as such, it wasn't that hard to pick a winner among the small amount of entries. Although I had to admit, it was nerve-wrecking to find out how to use the name picker as still, it's this blog's 1st contest/giveaway. Hope I get to use it more soon :D Without much further ado, here's the lucky winner of the T-Zone: Deep Pore Exfoliating Daily Wash Contest/Giveaway.

Congratulations to Katie Cai

You will be receiving a PM and email from me respectively. If I do not hear from you in a week, I will have to choose another winner. So, kindly pm me your mailing address a.s.a.p when you see my PM and/or email.

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1. I'm not online (probably dead asleep and possibly drooling)

2. Got blindsided by free candy (where did that came from?)

3. Cannot find your comment box cos I am actually blind as a bat most times (-squints- *_* -blinks-)


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