Thursday, November 1, 2012

Samples New/Received/Redeemed: 25 Oct - 31 Oct 2012

Before I go on to show the last batches of samples I've received for 25 - 31 Oct, here's a short shout-out for all you pretty ladies. Hada Labo has new sample for redemption, it's called Hada Labo Whitening Lotion & Cleansing Oil.

P/S: Special thanks to Rion for getting this screenshot for me as mine states that I have already redeemed, and thus unable to grab this specific screenshot

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: First of all, go over to Hada Labo's Facebook page at and Like their page.

As there are 2 Free Sample! links, make sure you click on the correct one, as shown on the image to the left. This link is for the latest Hada Labo Whitening Lotion & Cleansing Oil sample, while the other link is for the previous Hada Labo SHA Lotion sample. So, be alert :)

I only got to know about this long after the sampling giveaway has started and friends whom I PM to did mentioned that the giveaway is over. So, it's rather confusing on Skin&Lab's Facebook page.

The samples consists of:
  • A plus Lifting (Vitamin A + Copper): Firming/Wrinkle Improvement x 1
  • B plus Trouble-X (Vitamin B + Zinc): Acne Clearing x 1
  • C plus Brightening (Vitamin C + Manganese): Brightening/Skin tone improvement x 1
  • E plus Moisturizing (Vitamin E + Selelum): Moisturizing/Anti-ageing x 1
  • K plus Red-X (Vitamin K + Magnesium): Redness/Dark circle x 1

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: First of all, go to Skin&Lab Facebook page at, and Like their page. Next, look for the link that says FANS ONLY Pro.... Once the page has finished loading, you should see this purple-colored page that will need you to fill in your details and also to state the reason why you want to receive the samples. Just be honest and describe your skin condition as best as you can. At least you won't feel a little paiseh (a.k.a embarrassed) if it's less than a sentence long ;)

Was close to literally tearing my hair out trying to figure out who it's from, until I noticed on the bottom left corner is an address.. What small eyes I have >_<

I just randomly participate without expecting to win since each contest always sees quite a lot of entries. And I conveniently "un-Like" them since I have a short attention span. And I only realized I won when they emailed me and I had 2 email/pm via Facebook *facepalms at own absurdity*

Well, enough to say, I've won for myself 2 tea sample sachets from Allerine Pte Ltd. They're called Gingerish, "a soothing blend of Rooibos with a hint of ginger, a simple yet alleviating taste". The scent is rather nice, not too strong on the ginger and I like it :D

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: As Gone Shopping Too is regularly running contests, I'd recommend going over to Gone Shopping Too Facebook page at and Like their page to join their fabulous giveaways. And I sincerely wish you all the best of luck too :D

As a side note, why not be a fan of my Pu Niao's Product Reviews Facebook page at to be notified of up-and-coming and newly released samples? I'll update the page as soon as I find any sample giveaways, so you can grab your samples while it's still on-going ^^

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