Saturday, November 24, 2012

NuTeen Acne Away Gel Review

WHAT IS IT: NuTeen Acne Away Gel


NuTeen Acne Away Gel: Enriched with natural herbal ingredients, Nuteen Acne Away Gel is an effective solution to cure pimples. Few minutes after application, you will notice that the pimples are visibly contracted and reduced in redness. It provides anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to clear pimples within a few days. Use continuously for a week to lighten pimple scars. Apply 3-4 times daily to the affected areas for quicker healing.

Looks yellowish-brownish. Can't really exactly say what it's supposed to look like. And the smell.. Urgh..

VERDICT: If you are someone who have acne popping up on your face on a regular basis, you would agree with me that we are a dedicated bunch of people who hunt, scourge and look for acne-related products. Specifically the ones that we can use on those irritating pimples to make them go away and never return for good. Most times, products that we found, used and presumed to be effective only works for a short while. Before our old acne problems suddenly came back much more worse than before. While there are some products that when applied to your pimples, doesn't really exactly knows what to do.

And along comes this NuTeen Acne Away Gel by Bioessence. The product packaging claimed that it can contract and dry pimples effectively, reduce pimples within a few days, provide anti-bacterial functions and help lighten pimple scars as it is enriched with Thanakha extract. In short, Thanakha extract is:

Thanakha (“Limonia acidissima (Roxb)”) is a tree that grows in Sri Lanka, the southern and western parts of India, the north-western part of the Himalayas and in Myanmar. The Thanakha is also a very useful plant and it plays a great part in the field of Myanmar indigenous medicine - the leaves are used as a remedy for epilepsy in some regions and the cosmetic form cures pimples and acne. The hard yellowish sweet smelling Thanakha wood is also used to make handicrafts such as combs and boxes and many other products.

Source: The Wonderful Thanakha Tree

The scent feels kinda wrong to me in this acne gel, almost sweet and overpowering for instance. And did I ever mentioned how to tell if a pontianak is near you? Sweet and overpowering smell means she's far, while rotting and obnoxious meant she's behind you. But well, enough of the paranormal similarities here. One whiff of this NuTeen Acne Away Gel and I was like, trying not to let the scent affect me in a nauseous way. As it's my first time trying the sample version, I thought that some products may not smell great or even decent, what's most important is that it does miracles as promised.

Which unfortunately didn't really do much. Sure it did reduce the redness of my pimple, which I cannot deny. However, it's been a good 4 days since I last used it, right after I somewhat burst the pimple and got rid of the pus. However, the redness despite being lessen is still on my chin. The consistency of the acne gel looks more cream-based than gel-based, and because I am using a sample sachet, it's rather hard to dab a little out with my fingers (which are clean!). Trying to dab a little ended up with a huge glob coming off and resting on my finger.

And along the way, I had some old blemish scars on my face which is thankfully isn't a lot. So, I applied this gel on my blemish scars on top of the pre-existing acne on my chin. And my blemish scar doesn't look brightened at all, despite the instructions stating that it's best to apply 3-4 times daily. I've been applying this exactly 4 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening and before I sleep) for 4 days straight. This makes it exactly 12 times I've dabbed this gel on my acne and blemish scars, but no results at all.

I know how I've always said that most products need to be used for at least 6-8 weeks to 3 months in order to see the overall effect. But at the same time, most products should also be able to show slight results after at least close to 1 week's usage. In this way, consumers will actually put down cold hard cash to buy it. In this case, reduces redness and visibly contracts pimples. No doubt, the redness on my pimple did lessen and it looks less angry now. However, it's didn't exactly contract it cos I squeezed out the pus myself personally. In other words, I manually contract the size of my pimple with my own hands, not with this product.

And don't forget the product claimed that it heals pimples within a few days, in which case, we can actually forgo the "used for at least 6-8 weeks to 3 months in order to see the overall effect" concept here. And nope, it didn't reduce any existing pimple at all. Nope!


WHAT I THINK: At least it did helped to reduce the redness of my pimple, hence 2 ticks for it. However, the pimple is still waving at me from my chin when I look in the mirror and my blemish scars are probably doing the kallang wave..

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I previously redeemed this from The Sample Store when their checkout price for 4 items costs only S$2.99. (They've increased it to S$3.99 now) If you are really keen to try this out, you can redeem this via TSS through my referral link at

However, I don't really think this product is really that effective at all. But it's still up to you :)

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt down samples :)

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