Monday, November 12, 2012

NaturVital Hair Loss Shampoo Greasy Hair Review

WHAT IS IT: NaturVital Hair Loss Shampoo Greasy Hair

NaturVital Hair Loss Shampoo Greasy Hair: Burdock extract is an effective regulator of sebum on the scalp with regular use ensures clean non greasy hair. The formula contains a complex obtained from seeds phytoactive Wheat, Soybean and Ginseng extract, which provide energy to the hair bulb and nutrients needed to strengthen the hair growth.


It suds well and washes off easily, and the scent is pleasant too.

VERDICT: First sniff, it was rather pleasant. As the brand name suggest, NaturVital seems to be a very old and yet disinguished brandname. Hey, I may be wrong here as it seems I couldn't find any history of NaturVital at all and the packaging on their shampoo bottles all look old-school. And hence, I was expecting a tonic-y smell, but well, it was a pleasant scent. It is not cloying nor made you feel nauseous, unlike certain products (hair, skin, body, etc) which may smell nice but end up making you gag at the back of your throat.

Granted that hair professionals have always maintained that we should not wash our hair daily due to the fact that the more you wash, the worse it will look. Reason being that oils from the scalp do not travel down the hair shaft as quickly, so the hair tends to be dry and requires less frequent shampooing. Unless you have really oily and greasy scalp/hair, in which case, it is best to wash on a daily basis to ensure that your scalp and hair always feels clean and doesn't gets weigh down by all the extra sebum, grease, etc.

And as such, there will be days when we finally wash our hair, maybe once every 2 - 3 days, and we felt that our scalp and hair felt really greasy and oily. And it is shampoos like NaturVital Hair Loss Shampoo Greasy Hair that ensures that our scalp don't get too overcleansed and thus, damaged our hair to the point of easy hair loss.

For me personally, I wash my hair with shampoo once every 2 days, and as the hair care experts mentioned as well, dirty hair is actually much more easy to style than uber clean hair. Hair washed every day with shampoo tends to need more styling product. Because it's so clean, it's also soft, loose, and floppy and therefore harder to style. And all these products lead to more shampooing as they build up and make hair look dull. If I wash my hair on a daily basis, my hair will feel very dry. And just like the skin on our face, overly dry scalp can lead to over-excess sebum flow as well.

As this NaturVital Hair Loss Shampoo Greasy Hair promises to:
  • Combat hair loss and maintain scalp's natural balance
  • Nourishes, strengthens and regulates lipid balance of greasy hair
  • Tonifies and hydrates hair, leaving it manageable and silky

I cannot really say much about the hair loss combat and maintaining my scalp's natural balance as it is only 1 sachet sample (from Guardian's Feeling magazine), although I didn't see much hairfall during my hair washing regime. As for the nourishing, strengthening and regulating, similarly, it's rather hard to tell whether it works from just one wash. But still, I didn't scratch my scalp for the last couple of hours after washing, which I think is a good thing.

As for the tonifying and hydrating, well, it does seems and feels like my hair isn't that tangled and it's also been a week or 2 since I last used any hair conditioner as well. I only used a hair conditioner when my hair feels too tangled to be able to combed properly or when I am unable to run my fingers through my hair. And honestly, it is definitely on the manageable side. Although it's a shame that Feeling magazine gives out a sample bottle of mouthwash, instead of a sample bottle of NaturVital Hair Loss Shampoo Greasy Hair. This could have been a product I am willingly going to switch to, if I can gauge/judge properly it's effectiveness, even if it's just for a week or 2.


WHAT I THINK: Dear Guardian, instead of a bottle of travel size mouthwash with each issue of Feeling, how about a bottle of travel size hair shampoo, body lotion, for example?

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: This was give out for the previous issue of Guardian's Feeling magazine. But still, a magzine costing S$1.00 with at least 4 sample items isn't that bad. Although I wish they would stop chucking in the mouthwash for each issue.

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