Monday, November 19, 2012

Ginvera Green Tea Nude Cover BB Cream Review

WHAT IS IT: Ginvera Green Tea Nude Cover BB Cream


Ginvera Green Tea Nude Cover BB Cream: Enriched with premium Green Tea, Ginseng, Chinese Angelica and Hyaluronic Acid, Green Tea Nude Cover BB cream provides the benefits of blemish free concealing, sun block effects, whitening, moisturizing and reduction of lines, providing a long lasting smooth and ultra light feel to nourish and perfect your skin. This beauty secret to natural beauty is definitely worth sharing!

Before applying Ginvera Green Tea Nude Cover BB Cream.

After applying Ginvera Green Tea Nude Cover BB Cream.

VERDICT: First and foremost of all, this product is called Ginvera Green Tea Nude Cover BB Cream, so I was expecting a little hint of green tea scent in it. However, there is no green tea scent at all. What I smelled was instead a very lightweight floral scent that thankfully doesn't make me feel nauseous at all. The bad part about this BB Cream is that it only comes in 1 shade that is supposedly a universal for all skin colors, whether you are fair, pale as a ghost, a tanned goddess, or whichever skin color suits you now. And I personally think it's a big No No when it comes to BB Cream. Personally, I just cannot fathom someone with a darker skin-tone suddenly looking all fair and bright on the face, while looking tanned or dark on the rest of her body. Spooky..

Despite this BB Cream gliding onto my skin very smoothly as it's of a thick but runny consistency, it seemed a shade too dark for my actual skin-tone as a check in the mirror revealed my face looking at least a shade darker while from my jawline to my neck, I still look ghastly pale as usual. Therefore, if I want a really even skintone all over, I would have to apply this on my jawline, neck/throat area as well. Which is also another big No No for me personally too. Imagine how fast I would run through a tube/bottle/pot of BB Cream if I have to doll my neck too.

Like most BB Creams out in the market, this Ginvera Green Tea Nude Cover BB Cream promises:

  • Natural and flawless coverage for all skin tones
  • Non greasy formula that provides natural matte finish
  • Spread with nano fine texture, resulting in even tone and natural look
  • Supply essential nutrients to revitalize skin, resulting in visibly fairer and more radiant skin
  • Provide all day hydration for soft, supple skin
  • Provide SPF 30/PA+++ to protect skin against UV rays and harmful free radicals
  • Help reduce the formation of lines

Personally for me, I have to disagree with mostly all of the above. First of all, this product is manufactured and produced for users with at least close to fair skin tone with yellow-ish undertones, in other words, the Asian market as it matches our skin-tone much better than it does on a Caucasian skin-tone that is either within the range of fair, olive, tanned, to quote for example. In short, this isn't a real natural and flawless coverage for all skin tones. Any good company that sells BB Cream will actually take the trouble to manufacture BB Creams that anyone with any type of skin-tone in different shades can use, not just one shade.

Despite the fact that it touts itself as a non greasy formula that provides matte finish, I still seem to feel that this BB Cream looks slightly glossy on my skin from time to time. It's definitely only matte as soon as you apply it, but the "matte-ness" dissipates rather fast, so you will need powder to set it as well. It's not even tone and natural looking, as currently I have 2 different skin tones, 1 on my face and the other around my jaw-line/neck area. And also because I am ghastly pale at times, it didn't make me look fairer. It just looks natural if I look at myself straight in the area, whereas tilting my head at an angle proves that it isn't natural for me at all.

For the part on soft supple skin, read this carefully. If you are someone like me who mostly depend only on BB Creams to hide facial imperfections such as acne blemishes and scars without the use of powder, there will be this sticky sensation on your face that takes a while to dissipates. Soft and supple skin should feel soft and supple, not sticky with a hint of something at all. Ultimately, I think it's a shame that this product can be so much better if it were to stick to what it promises.


WHAT I THINK: I should have just apply this on one half of my face and pretend I am Two-Face a.k.a Harvey Dent from Batman..

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: This sample was available in the previous issue of Feeling magazine, exclusively sold at all Guardian outlets throughout Singapore. Unless you are able to procure the previous copy for the sample, I personally would suggest to give this BB Cream a miss. It's only in 1 shade that claims to work on all skin tones, but it's not the case.

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