Thursday, October 25, 2012

Samples Received/Redeemed: 19 Oct - 24 Oct 2012

So, these are the samples I've received in my mailbox and redeemed personally from 19 Oct to 24 Oct. It was a terror trying to redeem the Guardian's Beauty & Health Hamper, partly due to the SMRT/SBS bus driver. Anyway, I thought I'll post this weeks' samples redemption up at least on Saturday or Sunday. But I'm afraid that will be way too much photos and may thus lag down the entire blog, so.. Enjoy~

I couldn't figure out, for the life of me, exactly where some of these was supposed to come from. Until I opened it up :x

As promised on the Facebook page, I received my:
  • Alicafe 2-in-1 White Coffee x 1
  • Alicafe 3-in-1 White Coffee x 1

Saw this brand being advertised on Television a while back, and I had to admit it does look like a really cheesy commercial. Maybe that's why I wasn't that tempted to buy it in supermarket(s). But since they were giving away 2 different pillow satchets on Facebook, I thought I'd just request for it and try to see if it's worth buying.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: As of now, Alicafe Singapore has finished giving away sample sachets, but you won't know if they will suddenly give away new flavours. So, go on over to Alicafe Singapore's Facebook page at and Like their page in order to be notified of future giveaways, contests, etc etc.

Initially, I thought it was sealed. And you can use the re-seal zip after you opened/cut/tore it open, but I was so nub and wrong. It can be opened and re-sealed without having to "manhandled" the pouch at all.

The samples actually comes in a little pamphlet-pouch holder. And it introduces the other products within the same range too. Ingenious, I dare say.

Mine comes with:
  • Essential Purely Smooth Shampoo x 1
  • Essential Purely Smooth Conditioner x 1

The color of the shampoo and conditioner sample packaging looks so vanilla-like. Can't wait to try them already!!

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to the NEW Essential Sample Redemption at Fill in the short questionnaire/survey, complete with your details that includes your name, email, address, etc. After that, just sit back and wait for the samples to arrive in your mailbox~

A love-hate, but actually, more towards hate than love towards the people in-charge of their Facebook page. Previously, they had this ongoing event exclusively for fans who have android phones with Instagram function. So, I commented that not everyone can afford to buy an android phone. And right after I told them that I am using an LG Ice Cream phone and that non-android users should be allowed to participate by using an external site to "instagram" their photos and they stopped replying.

Really "awesome" customer service they have there, by acting dumb. I'm just glad I never once in my life bought their hair products to use and also glad that my requested sample from them finally arrive. And I generally don't recommend my readers and fans of this blog to be such avid fans just because they seemed generous with samples when they are taking to long to mail them out. Just the customer service from their Facebook page already says so much on the way they supposedly care for their "customers" and "fans".

A pamphlet-cum-sample holder with my samples inside, and detailing their products within a single range. Not sure why it comes with a nourishing spray, maybe they felt sheepish that they ignored my comment. But I doubt they do know what"pai-seh" means, considering that my comment still get a few likes every now and then. Probably from fans who do not have android phones as well... T.T

  • Sunsilk Nourishing Soft & Smooth Nourishing Conditioner x 1
  • Sunsilk Nourishing Soft & Smooth Shampoo x 1

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: So far, they are really slow in sending out their current samples, so I'd suggest that if you had already requested, so continue to bug the hell out of them until you receive yours in the mailbox. If you are new, just wait until they come up with something to giveaway.

Go over to Sunsilk Singapore Facebook page at and Like their page to be notified of future giveaways and contests.

Wasn't expecting much, until I opened up and felt a little sad. The box was crumpled and looks squished..

A pamphlet introducing other products within it's range, including different variety of toothpaste, why you should use Pearlie White ®, and also different products not of the toothpaste variety. Weighs 15g, so good for a chalet outing that lasts under 3-4 nights, if you brushed your teeth twice a day.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Apparently when I checked back, it seems that their sample giveaway is over. Yet another scenario where free things gets redeemed at such alarming speed lol

But still, to be notified of future giveaways and contests, go over to Pearlie White ® Singapore Facebook page at and Like their page so you can be notified if they have giveaways and contests coming up.

As stated in this previous blog post, I went down to PlanetAds instead of Guardian HQ to collect my Guardian Beauty & Health hamper which I won. Let's just say, I encountered a fail SMRT/SBS bus driver who insisted that Lorong Ampas doesn't exist because he never heard of this place.

But still, brave little me decided to hop onto his bus and go forth. Although I'm a direction-idiot, but I still trust my not-so-reliable 6th sense. Prior to hopping on the bus, I decided to look-see at the locality map and try to gauge at least how many bus-stops I have to get off the bus. So, I took a haunch for at least a bus journey that goes as far as 4-5 bus-stops and went forth.

Along the way, I caught no sight of Lorong Ampas at all, however, I saw a Jalan Ampas and decided to get off. And found myself standing in front of Shaw Plaza (which is located just beside Balestier Plaza). And after some asking around with the SAs at various shopfronts inside Shaw Plaza and Balestier Plaza, I gave up since they knew that Lorong Ampas is nearby, but undecided exactly where it is. I called and turns out, I just had to walk into Jalan Ampas (which is just between Balestier Plaza AND Shaw Plaza) and make a right turn as soon as I caught sight of Lorong Ampas. And voila!

And I unfortunately made the mistake of barging into an office space, thinking that it's the building's reception area. Only to see 10 plus tired looking faces turning to look at me at all once from their computers. Maybe glad of a sudden distraction? I finally found an elevator behind the building itself, got to the second floor and had to take a long hard look at PlanetAds small but cooling air-conditioned office. I even brought along a huge bag, but turns out the hamper was slightly bigger than my bag. So, had to ask for a plastic bag and struggled all the way home. Just glad that my bus at Yishun bus interchange wasn't that crowded at 4pm plus, so I got to hogged 4 bus seats all the way to my place.

And now, a look at the goodies in my hamper. A lot of stuffs that I wanted to try, but too stingy to spend money on. Haha~ ^^; *sheepish*

  • Mediterranean Orange Blossom Mask x 5 pieces/1 box
  • Aegean Sea Pink Rockrose Mask x 5 pieces/1 box

  • My Beauty Diary: 2012 Skin Glow All-in-One kit

My Beauty Diary: 2012 Skin Glow All-in-One kit contains 15 different masks plus additional 2-step Summer Mask pack (which I presume should be the mud mask type). I'll probably choose the ones that are right for my skin type and give the rest to my mother.

  • Kinohimitsu J'pan Bodyslen: Tea Blossom Drink

2 boxes which makes it 12 bottles (50ml each) in total. I had wanted to try this for a long time, but too stingy to pay out of my pocket ^^;

  • Kinohimitsu J'pan Mindrelax Drink

1 box, 6 bottles (50ml each). Also another product that I am too stingy to pay with my own money,

  • Block Up! Suncream SPF 30 with Aloe Vera (88ml)
  • Block Up! Suncream SPF 50 with Aloe Vera (88ml)
  • Block Up! Suncream SPF 50 Aloe Vera (88ml)

Free sunblock for when I have to go to the public library under the hot and unrelenting sun. Phew!

  • Block Up! Sunspray SPF 30 with Soothing Aloe Vera (177ml)
  • Rexona Women Powder Dry Spray with Talc Essence (150ml)

I'm currently in the suncream and sunspray fervor, so these are good when I don't want to spend too much money on preventing my skin looking like a red lobster under the Singapore sun. (Sometimes, I just feel I should be born an ang-moh char-boh, since I get red easily than I tanned..) And that Rexona spray, ah... dry comfort all day long ♥♥♥

  • DOVE Lathering Oil Makeup Remover (155ml)
  • Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream (227g)

I haven't heard about Dove's Lathering Oil Makeup Remover before, so I guess this is like a good time to try since I sometimes wear BB Cream on my face to hide my acne blemishes. And that Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream, I've been eyeing this for years already. But then, I had no idea what "Chamois" meant, so I didn't dare to buy it. Another good opportunity to try this out as well :D MoOOooOo~

  • Osteo Bi-Flex x 2 bottles/boxes (20 tablets per container)

I can give this to my parents to try it out and see if it's effective :D

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: If you are a regular buyer of Guardian's Feeling magazine, write in to them at And if your letter is picked to be a winning letter, you can win this fab Beauty & Health hamper for yourself too. And to be honest, I didn't expect my letter to be picked as the winning letter. Was more or less hoping to win the BlackMores one. But well, a big Thank You to Guardian/PlanetAds nonetheless for such a fab hamper ♥♥♥

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt down samples :)

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