Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sample Redeemed & Goodies Exchanged: 03 Oct - 05 Oct 2012

Since tomorrow is a big day (well, it's the 3rd monthly beauty topic tomorrow!!), I'll just wind down the pace a little with some stuffs that I redeemed and exchanged with a good friend of mine, Irene ♥♥♥ *blows air kissies*

But first up, something free that I would like to share with my beautiful and lovely readers. (Don't deny it, you know you are beautiful and lovely!!) This can be yours free without any strings attached, only catch is that you have to go down to CozyCot's Orchard Central outlet to claim it.

This is what the PVC vase looks like.

A rather blurry close-up of how this PVC vase looks like when used.

The base seems rather small though.

WHERE TO REDEEM: First of all, here's the instructions from CozyCot's wall posting:

To receive a Limited Edition Free Gift sponsored by Canesten:
  • Like CozyCot Fan Page & this post
  • Click to reserve your complimentary gift
  • Collect it at CozyCot Retail Store from 24 September 2012 01 October 2012 onwards

Fill in this form

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Went to Chinatown's touristy area to "stalk" a good friend of mine, since stalking her bed seemed somewhat unsuccessful ^^ And at the same time, to thank her for the previous goodies she gave me. I decided to give her some from my secret stash as a 'Thank You' gift and got more goodies in return.

  • Instant Nude Lips
  • Etude House' AC Clinic White-Trouble Essencializer
  • Lioele: Beyond the Solution BB Cream
  • Rexona Women Mini Roll-On
  • Lioele Water Drop BB: Lioele Aqua Makeup

  • Bio-essence Marvel Mask with ATP
  • Nutriganics Smoothing Day Cream

  • Bio-essence Marvel Mask with ATP - The tube container gives me such a good retro vibe ♥
  • Nutriganics Smoothing Day Cream - I just simply like to strip my products of the boxes (Since I can't go around stripping little babies and house pets. Hmm..)

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