Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ripple Mate Tea - Lets You Sleep Better Review

[ To read my other Ripple Mate Tea (old packaging) review, head over to . Kindly note that this is a newly released Mate Tea, which is also by Ripple as well and this Tea is different from their previous Mate Tea.]

WHAT IS IT: Ripple Mate Tea - Lets You Sleep Better


Mate Tea Lets You Sleep Better: Due to high stress levels, city dwellers often experience insomnia and poor sleep qualities. To this effect, MATE TEA LETS YOU SLEEP BETTER has been developed. This product contains high quality herbal ingredients that assist to rebuild a healthy sleep pattern. Mate Tea which is re-known for most trusted health tea, is suitable for all ages for over 300 years. Nobel Prize Winner, Bernardo Hussay, confirmed in his research that Mate contains mateina, helps to maintain high spirits and energy levels.

It combines the functions of original Mate Tea and 6 types of natural herbals. It aims to improve sleep quality.

The color of this new improved Mate Tea actually looks the same as their previous Mate Tea, however, this new one is infused with an additional 6 types of natural herbs. Which makes it a notch better than the previous one.

VERDICT: As mentioned in my one of my previous post, I received an email from a rep from Ripple and the lady (let's just keep her name a secret, everyone's entitled to a little anonymity) commented that they liked my review on one of their product, namely Ripple Goat's Milk Beverage Powder. And they decided to mail me 5 x of their newest Ripple Mate Tea.

To be honest, I thought it was a new packaging and didn't think much of it. Until I drank my first mouthful and I noticed the taste was slightly different to their previous Mate Tea. The old Mate Tea only contains 100% Mate Tea Leaves, however, this new improved Mate tea not only contain Mate Tea Leaves, but also:
  • Rosemary
  • Mint
  • Mint Leaves
  • Chamomile
  • Valeriana Root
  • Licorice & Lemon Grass

Hence, the flavor seemed a little more different than the old Mate Tea, and I am actually loving it!! And as promised on the packaging itself, I did find myself sleeping better at night. In other words, no more human "burrito", tossing and turning in the middle of the night due to insomnia.

At first glance, the thought of having 6 different types of natural herbs may seemed a little put-off and you will probably think the taste will be awful. Don't worry, I thought so too when I took a closer look. But rest assure as you consume this drink on a daily basis, you won't even notice the different in taste. And despite having 6 different types of herbs alongside with the usual Mate Tea Leaves, the taste isn't even remotely awful and the smell of the tea doesn't put you off too. Just slightly different, that's all.

The health benefits of this newly improved Mate Tea actually helps you to fall asleep with ease, improve your sleep quality, relaxes your body and mind and not forgetting, it promotes healthy heart. Which is actually all good in the end and long-run. In this current day-age, we are costantly bombarded with new drinks to try, new food to eat and so on. But in fact, what we really do need is actually just a simple cup of tea such as this new Mate Tea, fuss-free and straight to the point.

In fact, the day I started drinking this newly improved Mate Tea, my sleeping hours are more sufficient than before too. I'm already feeling ready for bed way before midnight and I actually managed to wake up early in the morning without need for an alarm clock. Sounds miraculous, you may think. But since this happened to me, I'd say it's a miracle. Previously, even if the sky is falling on me, I'd probably sleep right through (and my soul will probably report somewhere without me knowing what exactly happened) and I can actually sleep through an alarm clock too. Now, I automatically wake up at least an hour or so before my alarm starts screaming in my ears. And I do feel a little more energetic and less lethargic during day-time, not the usual "yawn-I-think-I-will-take-a-nap".

And do you know that this newly improved Mate Tea is suitable for people who are experiencing:
  • Insomnia
  • Difficulty in falling asleep
  • Frequent tossing and turning in bed
  • Mental stress
  • Interrupted and unsatisfactory sleep
  • Loss of concentration due to poor sleep qualities

Let's just say I'm experiencing almost all of the above-mentioned difficulties and this tea just hit the jackpot with this sleepy-and-blur blogger.


WHAT I THINK: Glad Ripple thought of insomniacs like me.

WHERE TO REDEEM A SAMPLE: Go to Ripple Singapore Facebook page at, Like their page. Next, click on the Free Sample link to request for your complimentary Ripple Mate Tea - Lets You Sleep Better sample.

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