Monday, October 29, 2012

Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum Review

This Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum (by Seven Wonders) is proudly sponsored and brought to you by the wonderful folks at Nezon Marketing, sole distributor of Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Kindly note that no money was involved~

WHAT IS IT: Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum by Seven Wonders


Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum by Seven Wonders: Seven Wonders has harnessed the incredible qualities of Argan Oil to create a luxurious, easily absorbed skin serum rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids and antioxidants that smooths wrinkles as well as revitalizing and re-hydrating the skin to leave it looking radiant.

This Organic Argan Oil is cold pressed from the fruit of the Argan tree – native to the south of Morocco. It’s known as the “Miracle ingredient” to hair professionals and celebrities the world over. Some of it’s amazing qualities include:
  • Naturally Rich in Vitamin E, F, A & C
  • Rich in omega 6
  • Rich in Essential Fatty Acids
  • Antioxidant Properties
  • Squalene – Natural Moisturiser
  • Versatile – for use on all hair and skin types

I like the fact that this Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum by Seven Wonders comes in a spray nozzle version, as this ensures that the content(s) are still hygienic to be used among friends and family members. And it's small enough to be brought out of the house as well, for those times when you need a spritz when your skin suddenly gets too dry.

The Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum is of a clear yellowish color. And known by the Moroccan Berber community as the Tree of Life, the Argan tree produces what is now termed as Liquid Gold. So, I definitely did expect to see a yellow-ish concoction to prove the "Liquid Gold" theory.

VERDICT: First of all, how on earth can I make a real verdict if I don't even mention anything about the scent? That scent, it's good and comforting and brings me sweet memories of my childhood days whenever I had to accompany my mother back to our old neighborhood (we used to live at Tiong Bahru at those old 1-room HDB flats with my late grandfather) for her once-every-three-months haircut. Taking a whiff of this Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum evokes and triggers memories of scents of bygone days. And the things I do and stuffs I hoped for just to catch this scent once more again.

And also take note that pure genuine, raw, cosmetic-grade Argan Oil smells unique to the uninitiated nose. Some will think it smells a little nutty, while some says it's like popcorn. Some may even argue that pure argan oil should have a smell that is a cross between olives, nuts, and oil, but I'm guessing my nose is unique since it brings back those good old days that are so yesterday, flitting on the edge of good memories that stay and last with you personally. Even if you are someone who never learn to love that smell, the scent always disappears after a few minutes on your skin, as true Argan Oil absorbs so quickly and beautifully into your skin. Let's just say, it's a scent of pure luxury.

Don't be alarmed as (Moroccan) Argan Oil is fast becoming a fast and well-known luxury oil in the market, just the oil itself already proves so much benefits. Argan oil is definitely gaining popularity as a miracle ingredient in the Western beauty product industry. It has extremely high levels of Vitamin E and 80% fatty acids which make it perfect for healing many skin ailments as well as protecting against premature aging caused by oxidation. This awesome little bottle of oil is naturally high in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, making it an excellent dietary supplement as a food source. It is also very good for the skin; vitamin E can help smooth cracked hands, knees, and elbows while nourishing the skin, and essential fatty acids can promote healthy skin as well. These wonderful benefits have made argan oil popular in cosmetics for centuries in Morocco and beyond, and small vials of the costly oil are often on offer at high-end cosmetic stores.

And I also like the fact that I can literally use it all over my body, not just the face only. If you are a regular visitor/reader to my main blog, you would have noticed a few posts about my father being involved in a traffic accident. And since one of his foot is now heavily bandaged, I've brought this wonderful little miracle oil to the hospital and applied it on his right leg and toes in particular as his lower calf and toes are really dry and peeling off in flakes. Just 1 use and I already saw his legs looking a little better as compared to 3 months ago. I personally have dry legs, cracked heels and elbows and those are the specific areas I targeted mainly while using this Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum. On really cold nights, I'd apply a pump-ful for my face to ensure that my skin doesn't lose moisture overnight. My hair is already in love with argan oil treatment, I'm guessing I should pamper my skin as well, for all it's wonderful benefits.

The serum itself is rather light and it smooths onto my dry and parched skin very easily. I'm just glad and happy that I'm someone who prefers using skin serums at night, as opposed to using it during the day as I sweat easily and I do not want to nullify the effects of this miracle oil by sweating it out of my pores after application. I even took the liberty of buying arm and leg warmer, so that after applying at night, I can just wear my "limbs" warmer and ensure that my skin is getting the full serum treatment instead of rubbing it all over my bed-sheets.

As it's a small bottle, depending on which body area you are targeting, it can last quite a while if you are using it only on your face and neck. But shorter use if you had to use it all over your body, just like I did. Truth be told, I've sniffed other type of skin serums/skin oils previously and didn't like the scent, so this is something I was dying to try when I know it's going to be out in Singapore. Glad I did, as even when I didn't use this (I used this Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum once every 2 nights on my face, but almost nightly on my legs), I just couldn't keep my clammy hands off it. It's a nightly sniffing ritual of me and my Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum.

The best part after using this on my face? I didn't get acne breakouts, and I am not kidding you. I'm rather prone to acne breakouts on a regular basis despite getting my 8 hours of sleep every night, feeling relaxed, blah blah and those pesky little unwanted BFF just come un-announced. But a week after using this on my face, I do noticed less breakouts, and I also love the fact that my face is giving off a much healthier glow than before. And all of this from just a small little bottle! I know for a fact that the skin on our face needs vitamin and also moisture so it doesn't gets dry, produces excess sebum, which will in turn lead to acne breakouts. But wow, this bottle just became my go-to for better looking skin with less acne breakouts in just under 1 week.

Although I cannot say much about the wrinkle-improvement department as I don't have wrinkles as of yet. Another benefit to having oily skin is that us oilies, we look younger than our supposed age. Guess there's some sort of good benefits to having oily skin after all ^^; *sheepish grin*

And if you are still not a believer of this Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum by Seven Wonders, here's a small little checklist on why you should:
  • Smooths wrinkles
  • Revitalizes the appearance of skin
  • Helps slow the signs of premature aging
  • Moisturizes the skin so complexion looks radiant
  • Relieves and soothes dry skin

And the ingredients that goes into this insanely wonderful little bottle consists of pure and natural ingredients that includes:
  • Certified Organic Argania Spinosa Kernel (Argan) Oil
  • Tocopherol (Vitamin E)
  • Rose Essential Oil
  • Nut Oils

Which I dutifully and promptly googled high and low to ensure that what is promised on the packaging delivers. It's natural, it's certified, it doesn't contain harmful stuffs when used, and I am a believer that is graded over 9000 (if you understand that lingo ^^ ). Despite being a "argan oil skin serum", it isn't greasy at all. And all those oil on my hands, I just wished I could licked it off as well. But well, you can wash your hands as regular people do, and you don't even need to use soap at all. Just splash with water, wipe on towel, cloth or tissue and it comes off. But personally, I prefer to just leave it in my hands as well, as it can leave my hands soft and smooth.

Besides, this one is definitely a keeper as the packaging already tells us that this is one skin serum you shouldn't pass on. Why? Argan Oil sold in clear or plastic bottles makes the oil deteriorate, and any producer of quality Argan Oil wouldn’t put this liquid gold in anything other than a dark cobalt or amber glass bottle. Light breaks down the oil’s best properties and dark glass is the only way to store Argan Oil. Therefore, Seven Wonders and Nezon Marketing already passed this little personal test of mine, on top of others. And it's sold at all Watsons outlet at S$19.90 for a 20ml bottle. Dang! I want a bigger bottle already!!


WHAT I THINK: Less and controlled acne flares? Luxury moisturizer for my skin? You bet I am going to get a new bottle when my current one runs out!!

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum (distributed by Nezon Marketing) previously had a contest where 5 winners with the most Likes on their comments will walk away with a bottle of this skin serum, with compliments of Nezon Marketing. Although the contest is over, but I'd still urge you to go to their Facebook page at to be notified of future updates, like new products, new contests and giveaways.

And also, customer service is always prompt on their Facebook page, so if you had already bought a bottle and might still be confused on how to use it, their Facebook page is a great way to get help on usage and extra information on this Moroccan Argan Oil Skin Serum should you have further enquiries.

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