Friday, September 14, 2012

Organia Relaxing Olive Body Essence Lotion Review

WHAT IS IT: Organia Relaxing Olive Body Essence Lotion


Organia Relaxing Olive Body Essence Lotion: Formulated with organic olive oil, Ecocert ingredients, beautifully hydrated around the clock. Refreshes and clarifies skin during the day

Tried a generous dab on the back of my hand

VERDICT: As mentioned in my previous blog post, I got this sample from CozyCot's Coin Quest & Reward scheme. Initially, I have hesitations about anything related to 'Olive Oil' as I only use the actual form for cooking purposes. And I don't really think it would have been a great product when it comes to skin care. But this sample proved me wrong again!

First of all, the scent is just so heavenly and the lotion itself has a very smooth and soft texture to boast of. Although the scent is strong, but it's a good strong scent, it doesn't feel overpowering. It just makes you feel glad that you are using this product on your skin, and your skin will thank you for it. What's more, the texture of this Organia Relaxing Olive Body Essence Lotion is unlike other body lotions I have used and tried before. It doesn't feel heavy and cloggy when you applied it to your skin, it just glides on almost like milk and the absorption rate is rather fast too.

Even after application, it doesn't make my skin feel sticky at all. Just a feeling of euphoria and utter bliss! And with just a single application the first time round, I find my skin looking and feeling a little more hydrated than before. And as I have a tendency to apply body lotions at least 30 minutes before I hit the bed. This non-oily, non-cloggy and non-sticky feeling ensures that I do not leave any residue on my bedsheets throughout the night. Other body lotions I had used, I actually do need to apply it after my shower session and then wait till it gets fully absorbed before I dare to climb into bed. But not this one!

Almost another godsend, I would say, when it comes to moisturizing and non-sticky sensation. I hope this brand is available in Singapore though, it'll be a pity if such a wonderful body lotion isn't available in Singapore.


WHAT I THINK: Sweet dreams are made of this~ Part 2!

WHERE TO REDEEM A SAMPLE: To redeem a sample satchet, just read through this previous blog post of mine, it explains in details in how to go about fulfilling the Coin Quest & Reward scheme on CozyCot's website. Note that different 'rewards' need different amount of Coins accumulated before you can redeemed it.

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