Thursday, September 20, 2012

Beauty Buffet Series: Charcoal & Cypress Facial Mask [Watsons] Review

[ This is my first time doing an actual facial mask (peel-off paper type) review, so kindly bear with me if the post sounds or seems rather confused ^^ ]

WHAT IS IT: Charcoal & Cypress Facial Mask


Charcoal & Cypress Facial Mask: This Beauty Buffet Mask's unique recipe is made up of Charcoal to deeply cleanse and purify pores, as well as Cypress Extract to help maintain oil balance and refine pores, and Glycine to help retain moisture. After use, skin appears more supple, tightened and refreshed. Natural botanical extracts - Algae, Aloe Vera and Cucumber also help to moisturize and nourish skin.

Here's how the Charcoal & Cypress Facial Mask from Watsons looks like :)

VERDICT: First of all, the scent of this Charcoal & Cypress Facial Mask has a pleasant smell to it, as soon as you opened up the packaging. And as stated on the back, it "help maintain oil balance and refine pores and to help retain moisture". I'd say yes to the supple and refreshed part, but as for the tightening part, I'd say I didn't see nor feel any tightening effects.

As I tend to use facial mask like this roughly once every 3-4 days, which makes it a good 2 times a week, maybe that's why I don't seem to see nor feel the tightening effect at all. The instructions stated that it can be used on a daily basis, but cheapskate me tend not to follow instructions. Even though it's cheap, but ultimately, I'm not the only person buying it. So, if I used mine up and Watsons is sold out as well, how? D:

But on to the other good part(s) of this Charcoal & Cypress Facial Mask. For the supple part, it does helps if you do exfoliate your face prior to using this as it's rather pointless to do facial masks if the pores on your face is clogged. Only by exfoliating could the essence from the Charcoal & Cypress Facial Mask be absorbed more easily. My skin definitely felt a little more supple after the 1st time I used it. As for the refreshed part, I cannot really say it's from the mask. But I would like to assure you, my beautiful readers, that not doing, thinking or worrying about anything for at least 15 to 20 minutes while using this Charcoal & Cypress Facial Mask ensures that the after-facial experience definitely contribute towards the calm and refreshed feeling/sensatin.

This does help to contain excess oil/sebum and so far, I'd dare say the sebum flow from my face is definietly more controlled as opposed to before. Although the occasional usage of other products may aggravate it, that's why I keep at least 20 of this Charcoal & Cypress Facial Mask in stock inside my room. So that everytime my facial sebum gets out of control, this always comes in handy. And luckily for me, the only time I've had excessive sebum was due to the Arsainte Eco-Therapy Vitalist Serum sample I've previously tried and reviewed.

However, the cons aren't that much actually. A lot of the essence from this Charcoal & Cypress Facial Mask will go to waste if you do follow the packaging instructions to use it for only 15 - 20 minutes. I let mine stay on my side for at least a good 30 minutes, or until the facial mask felt almost dry before removing it. And also, the facial mask itself is rather too large for my face. My hairline and hair actually got a dosage of this Charcoal & Cypress Facial Mask along with my face/skin too! XD

TIP: I've actually did a post on the benefits of using facial masks before, so if you are interested to know a little more, go on over to :)


WHAT I THINK: Sensation of paradise on my face~

WHERE TO REDEEM A SAMPLE: So far, I've never encountered any type of samples available from Watsons. However, I bought this facial mask(s) at a low and affordable price of 2 for S$2.00. You can actually split the cost with a friend and get 1 each to judge/gauge the effectiveness of this product before buying in bulk.

It helps if you have a membership from Watsons (S$5.00 for a lifetime membership!!) too as points from previous purchase(s) can be used to deduct/offset the total bill from your next purchase. I previusly bought only 1 to try while my mother bought different varieties to try. I like it so much I went back to buy another 22 more and got to offset the bill by S$20 and paid only S$2.00 on my bill. (My humble apologies if I remember the total bill a little incorrectly ^^; )

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