Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ripple Mate Tea Review

Just because you want to be pretty doesn't mean you should ignore drinks and food that can boost your health as well. I previously asked for sample from The Sample Store and felt that the taste wasn't too much of a put-off, in fact, it tastes exactly like tea but only better. Read on~

WHAT IS IT: Ripple Mate Tea


Ripple Mate Tea: Mate, is a traditional South American infused drink. It is particularly popular in Argentina, where a majority of the population consumes Mate tea everyday. Argentina is also the main producer and consumer of yerba mate. The leaves of Mate are made into teas, infusions or used as a flavouring agent in foods, which are not only enjoyed for its taste but also for its health benefits.

Bought 3 big boxes and had been making a big container full like this one shown here on a daily basis to share with the entire family.

1 teabag is enough to re-use/refill at least 4-5 times or until the taste runs out throughout the span of a day.

My 3rd cup for the morning, until someone finished everything and didn't bother to refill back with hot water (-.-)"

THE VERDICT: Honestly, I got my first free sample from The Sample Store. As being a sample from The Sample Store, you won't feel the pinch of spending cold hard cash to buy a box to try, only to dislike it and paying money for it.

So, it's been just slightly a little more than a month since I asked for a sample tea bag from TSS and since the taste didn't put me off, I went ahead and bought a box and have started drinking everyday. Only just yesterday night, there was huge discount at Unity Pharmacy (subsidiary of NTUC) and my mother bought another 3 more boxes.

If you have ever step foot inside chinese restaurants (doesn't matter what type of cuisine they serve, be it Cantonese, Teochew, Hakka, the tea served in chinese restaurants like these are almost similar, unless you have other taste for different flavors of tea like TiKuanYin), you would have realized on first taste that the tea is almost quite close. I don't even add in sugar, milk nor honey in my tea, I drank them straight as it is. No added sweeteners and such only bring out the best the tea can offer you, is what I believe in.


As stated on Ripple's Singapore website, Mate Tea "has a significant amount of nutrients and antioxidants. Some of the substances in yerba mate, such as polyphenols and saponins, might help to spport up an organism's immune system and keep the cell healthy. Vitamins and minerals present in yerba mate include vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium and phosphorous."

And as opposed to what reviewers have mentioned/reviewed about this tea, there is no herbal taste in Mate Tea at all! So far, despite after hours of drinking this tea, I do not see nor feel any unwanted side effects from it. Some teas gives off an afterbreath that smells faintly of the ingredient that goes into it, only to make you feel a little more parched than usual. Mate Tea doesn't, and in fact, I never had a much better sleep than ever before. Usually, it'll take me hours before I finally fall asleep. But after consuming Mate Tea, it's less than 50 imaginary sheeps jumping over an imaginary fence ^^

Even for products that are meant to be consumed, other than putting on your skin (your face, body, for example), you need to use it long-term to see all the benefits and results it offers. Give it at least 6 weeks to 3 months to see all the benefits that are being guaranteed on the packaging. You definitely will not see immediate results after just 1 cup, patience is the key here.


WHAT I THINK: It isn't just what you apply on your skin, it's also in what you eat and drink too.

WHERE TO REDEEM A SAMPLE: If you are a member of The Sample Store Singapore, you can just request for a sample tea bag at Note that you can only get 1 sample of each item at TSS once only, but it should be enough for you to gauge if the taste is to your liking as 1 Mate Tea tea bag can be re-used throughout the day by topping up more water or until at least there's no more taste.

Alternatively, be a member of Ripple Club at and go over to to request for another tea bag sample for a full day's use.

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