Sunday, July 15, 2012

Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula (TDF) Review

WHAT IS IT: AHA Facial Wash For Oily & Acne-Prone Skin


AHA Facial Wash For Oily & Acne Prone Skin: Formulated with 4% glycolic acid, 0.5% chlorhexidine and aloe vera, this wash cleanses away oil, dirt and bacteria from your skin. It also has wound healing and antiseptic properties to protect and soothe your skin. Effectively cleans the pores, and debris on your skin and leaving you luminous skin clarity. Ideal for oily and acne skin type

The smell of this facial wash isn't that bad, but then, it shouldn't be exceptionally fragran-cy at all. After all, this is a product meant for oily and/or acne-prone skin, and products meant for skin conditions like these mustn't be over-powering at all. It will probably irritate your skin even more than you want it to be.

The facial wash itself is a transparent minty-green color. It doesn't leave your face feeling tingly and minty, just clean. Since our face is probably another "fragile" part of our body, other than our woman- or man-bits. Facial products like this should leave you feeling clean and refreshed after using, almost like as if you didn't use in the first place. Or in other words, easy to use, easy to rinse off and no after-effects of using.

So far, this is the 2nd day I am using this and my face doesn't seem oily despite a few hours after using. As the product has mentioned, it really does clean the face or any overnight residue that you have, especially if you apply acne or blemish cream/lotion at night before bed. But at the same time, I don't really see any effects yet. The pimples on my chin doesn't seem to get better and it isn't looking to go off anytime yet.

While redeeming this product, the pharmacist explained to me that this product actually comes in a series. And it includes:

  • AHA Facial Wash (which I am reviewing)
  • Mild Astringent (Toner)
  • AHA Oily & Acne Solution 8 (Lotion)
  • Ultra Light Hydrator (Moisturiser)

But my actual peeve ultimately would be that, they should give out free samples of the Facial Wash + Toner OR Facial Wash + Lotion in order for users to see the effects it can provide. What companies like deals in facial products need is for consumers, especially bloggers like us to sample and give back good, if not excellent feedback, with regards to their products. Which will in turn up their sales because they are selling good and effective products for the mass.

This cleanser is good, but I just don't see the effects at all.


WHAT I THINK: A geek isn't the skinny kid with a pocket protector and acne. Not anymore.

WHERE TO REDEEM A SAMPLE: If you think this product may work for you, you can grab a sample bottle via Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula (TDF): Singapore Facebook page at

Click on the link under Like and Message button that says "Grab Free Sample". (The form will let you choose which location you want to collect your sample at, but be aware that the Pharmacist at most/all Guardian outlets only starts their shift at 12 noon, so don't show up too early.)

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