Saturday, July 28, 2012

# Ripple Goat's Milk Beverage Powder Review

[ For Lactose-Intolerant Readers ]

WHAT IS IT: Ripple Goat's Milk Beverage Powder


Ripple Goat's Milk Beverage Powder: Goat’s Milk on its own is close to being the perfect food of nature, with a chemical structure amazingly similar to the human mother’s milk. The average size of goat milk fat globules is about 2 micrometers, as compared to 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 micrometers for cow milk fat. These smaller sized fat globules provide for a better dispersion and a more homogeneous mixture of fat in the milk.

Goat’s milk is also a source of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining our human health.


VERDICT: Initially, I was very hesistant about trying this when I got it from buying the latest issue of Feeling, Guardian Pharmacy's in-house magazine. To be honest, I have never tried Goat's Milk before and regular cow's milk just keep giving me gastric and stomach cramps that can last for up to a full day.

But when I did, I was sure glad. The taste wasn't awful at all, in fact, if I was given a mug of goat's milk, I could have thought it was regular cow's milk if no one told me. The taste isn't that far off at all, there's absolutely no "goaty" taste even though it's "Goat's Milk".

I waited a few hours after consumption and there were no bad effects that I had when I digested regular cow's milk. No gastric-related pains, no stomach cramps, I'm just so in goat's heaven. Feeling that I can get really chummy with the goats there.

You see, goat's milk has a chemical structure that is very similar to human mother's milk and at the very same time, the fat globules is about 2 micrometers, as compared to 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 micrometers for cow milk fat. Which just simply meant easier consumption and when it gets digested into your stomach, smaller sized fat globules provide for a better dispersion. Unlike regular milk which definitely takes a longer time to disperse.

Smooth without overly being rich, almost non-existence goaty smell at all, dissolves easily in hot water and I did vaguely recall dreaming of sproinging baby lambs while asleep. In the event you cannot seem to conjure up a lamb, allow me to assist you a little:

Now, I cannot get enough of this Goat's Milk. Must have seconds!!


WHAT I THINK: Bah~ Bah~ White Sheep~ Give me some more milk~

WHERE TO REDEEM A SAMPLE: If you are lactose-intolerant to regular cow's milk and would like to give Ripple Goat's Milk a try, you can grab a sample satchet via Ripple Singapore Facebook page at

Click on the link under Like and Message button that says "Free Sample".

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