Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mentholatum Acnes 3 Step Kit Review

WHAT IS IT: Mentholatum Acnes 3 Step Kit


Metholatum Acnes Creamy Wash: Helps prevent acne, removes dirt, oil and impurities. Anti-bacterial. This creamy wash hlpes unclogs pores and reduces blemishes by deeply cleansing to remove dirt, oil, impurities and excess sebum.

Tried a small dot on the back of my palm.

VERDICT: Maybe I didn't squeeze enough to test it out. But I later tried using it to wash my face and it is indeed creamy as promised on the packaging.

Metholatum Acnes Powder Lotion: Prevents formation of acne, refines pores, deeply cleanses and tones your skin. It contains oil absorbing powder to effectively absorb excess oil to keep face clean and fresh.

VERDICT: When I tried this Powder Lotion for the first time, I squeeze a little on a cotton pad and out came some clear liquid. And I was thinking to myself "Where's the powder in it?". As I tried squeezing out some more, a white substance flowed out as well and I realized that I need to first shake the bottle before use. Or the "powder" part of this lotion will be lying at the bottom of the container as residue and thereby not being effective in this way. Upon dabbing on my face, there was a smidgen of white on my face, but it went off when I dabbed it repeatedly with the cotton pad, probably being absorbed into my skin. After an hour later, my face didn't really feel that excess oil/sebum was effectively absorbed at all.

Prevents acne formation. Tightens pores. Deeply cleanses and regulates skin condition. It's anti-bacterial, has oil control function, is soothing and it's an effective acne treatment.

VERDICT: Since my chin tends to get more pimples as compared to other areas of my face, the chin it shall go to. Looks yellowish and my chin felt a tad sticky after application and despite a few hours later, the feeling of stickiness on my chin is still present. And less than 2 days later, I got rewarded with 2 brand-new pimples, red and angry on my chin as a result of application.


WHAT I THINK: Acne: Nature's way of telling you that you are not quite ready to have sex.

WHERE TO REDEEM A SAMPLE:However, if you think this product might work for you, you can grab a sample pack via Metholatum's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/acnes.sg

Click on the link under Like and Message button that says "Free Acnes 3 Step kit...".

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