Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lactacyd V-Zone Care Review

WHAT IS IT: Lactacyd V-Zone Care


Lactacyd V-Zone Care: Only Lactacyd has Lactoserum and Lactic Acid that preserve your vagina’s natural defense against odor, itching and irritation to give you healthy cleansing and freshness. Lactacyd contains natural and mild cleansing ingredients extracted from milk. It provides a delicate cleansing action with natural deodorizing effect so gentle it can be safely used daily. And maintains the natural acidic pH and protects you from harmful organisms that may cause inflammation, itching, and unpleasant odor.

Since I got 5 packets of free samples, I decided to transfer them all to this Cosmetic Refill Bottle that I got for SGD2.00 (for 2 bottles) at Daiso. Enough to last a little more than 1 week.

VERDICT: The smell doesn't put you off at all. In fact, it smells quite similar to those hotel shampoo/shower gels. Also, your lady bits shouldn't be washed with something that either smells over-pungent of certain exotic scents since it's the most intimate and "fragile" part of a woman's body. I pour out a small amount, close to the size of a 10 cent coin, sprinkled a little water while in the shower. The after-effects are quite pleasing, unlike the Vagisil version that I've read about, causing a short (and maybe mild) burning sensation. There wasn't any burning at all, it works like what a feminine wash is supposed to be. Clean, gentle and refreshing. And it really does the trick very efficiently too.

And also because everyone who gets a free sample gets up to 5 packets, that's enough for more than 1 week's use, you can literally feel the cleanness it provides. Despite after using this product in the shower hours later, I still do not feel any bad after- or side-effects. Really a good product that is a must for every female.


WHAT I THINK: When part of what you're trying to get at is the truth hidden under a taboo word, a smile is a good tool.

WHERE TO REDEEM A SAMPLE: If you haven't tried this before and wants to give a go, you can grab sample packs via Lactacyd V-Zone Care: Singapore Facebook page at

Click on the link under Like and Message button that says "Free Sample".

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