Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Inexpensive Facial Masks from Watsons

Went out for dinner last night and managed to convince my mother that facial masks are just as important as clay mask and exfoliants.

  • Yellow: Co Q10 (Co Enzyme) & Yogurt Mask to firm & smooth x 1
  • Apple & Evening Primrose to repair & refine x 1
  • Caviar & Bio-Peptide to smooth & supple x 1

Orange: Vitamin C & Neroli to revitalise & brighten x 2

Green: White Tea & Gingko to rejuvenate & revitalise x 2

Grey: Charcoal & Cypress to purify & oil control x 3

They were going at the price of 2 for S$2.00 at all Singapore Watsons outlets. Don't look down on cheap facial masks. Don't! Even if we use the most expensive facial masks in the world, if it doesn't work, then it doesn't. The price isn't always about everything, what matters is what it does for your skin after using it.

Facial masks provide deep nourishment to the skin, and yet so many people neglect this wonderful but unassuming pampering product. The reason is that it takes time due to the fact that facial masks need to remain on our face for at least 15 to 20 minutes. And in this hectic and fast-paced environment, almost all of us are trying to rush through our skin care routine. And it doesn't help that retailers aren't trying hard enough to educate their consumers/customers how nourishing facial masks can be.

And there are countless benefits to pampering your face with a facial mask. Facial masks nowadays can be used to detoxify, moisturize, replenish nutrients to our skin and increase circulation as well. This is something that we can all do at home that can give us the wonderful effect we can get at a spa. Albeit cheaper and at home!

But then, we can't just run out and buy whatever facial masks we can get our hands on. It doesn't work that way and it can greatly "damage" your skin's fragile condition with the wrong type of facial mask(s) used. Sure, you would think that you are truly trying to pamper your skin by getting anything and everything that sounds so good for your skin. But the very first and basic step we probably failed to do is to first identify our skin type and choose something that can greatly work for our skin and make it even better than it previously was.

You would definitely want a facial mask that is going to fill the needs of your skin. To quote your stomach, for example, if you know you can't stomach spicy food because it will give you diarrhea, you wouldn't stuff yourself full with all types of spicy food only to end up suffering for it. The same philosophy goes for your skin when using a facial mask. Obviously, if you are someone with acne, you do not need a hydrating facial mask since your face already have too much oil/sebum.

Here's some steps to help you fully utilize your newly bought facial mask to its full advantage and potential:

  • Start by cleansing your face. Use acid-cleanser OR exfoliate your face to remove dead skin cells.

  • If time permits, "steam" your face for a few minutes either by using a facial steamer OR draping a towel over your head and leaning a sink full of hot water. This step allows for deeper mask penetration.

  • Apply your facial mask. If you are going to soak in your bathtub, apply your facial mask first. The steam from your bath-tub soaking keeps your facial masks from drying out.

  • If you have normal skin, having a facial mask once a week is fine. If you have acne or very oily skin, do this 2 or 3 times a week.

P/S: I'm going to get myself some more Charcoal & Cypress to purify & oil control to soothe my acne + blemished skin. Argh!

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